
Chilkat Delphi DLL API v9.5.0.99

Download and unzip to any directory. Unzipping will create a chilkat-9.5.0-delphi subdirectory containing the following files:

README.txt A text file pointing to this document and other sources of information.

ChilkatDelphi32.dll The...


Download and unzip to any directory. Unzipping will create a chilkat-9.5.0-delphi subdirectory containing the following files:

README.txt A text file pointing to this document and other sources of information.

ChilkatDelphi32.dll The Chilkat 32-bit DLL providing the implementation for all Chilkat objects.

This DLL is not an ActiveX. It does not need to be registered via regsvr32.

ChilkatDelphi64.dll The Chilkat 64-bit DLL providing the implementation for all Chilkat objects.

LICENSE.txt The full EULA license agreement.

*.pas A Pascal interface source file for each Chilkat object.

The Delphi DLL w/ Dynamic Loader download contains an alternative set of *.pas source files that load the Chilkat DLL dynamically at runtime (rather than having static linkage to the DLL). See the ckDllLoader.pas file for details.

Start the Delphi RAD Studio IDE and create a new VCL Forms Application. Save it to the chilkat-9.5.0-delphi directory where the ChilkatDelphi32.dll and Chilkat *.pas files are located.

Add a TButton and TMemo to the form.

Add each of the Chilkat interfaces that will be used to the "uses" section. For example, if the project will use only Crypt2.pas and Global.pas, add "Crypt2" and "Global" to the "uses" section:


Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,

Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Crypt2, Global;

Select Project --> Add to Project and then add each of the Chilkat .pas sources listed in the "uses" section to your project. In this case, add "Crypt2.pas" and "Global.pas" to the project.

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