Web Development
Smart Hospital v5.0 - Hospital Management System
Smart Hospital is Modern and Complete Hospital Automation Software that suites to almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits to Operation to Pathology Test etc. It includes 25+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admi...
Smart Hospital is Modern and Complete Hospital Automation Software that suites to almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits to Operation to Pathology Test etc. It includes 25+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Pathologist, Radiologist, Receptionist and Patient) panel.
Check whats new in major version 5.0 -
Whole system updated for PHP version 8.1 and PHP 7.x is now not supported
Whole system updated for Codeigniter 3 latest version 3.1.13
Added Duty Roster module
Added Annual Calendar module
Added Antenatal Module in OPD/IPD
Added Vitals in IPD/OPD
Added whole new Download Center and discontinued old one
Added “Send Credentials to Patient” in the Messaging module
Added White Gray theme in Front CMS setting
Added Pharmacy Refund Bill report
Added Treatment History in OPD Visit detail
Added Discount in all modules
Added TPA in Appointment, Pharmacy, Pathology, Radiology, Blood Bank, Ambulance module
Added Body Mass Index (BMI) feature
Added Barcode and QR code in both IPD or OPD
Added Unit, Company and Medicine Group page in Pharmacy
Date filter added in Referral Report, Audit Trail Report, Patient Login Credential Report, Inventory Item Report
Reports order arranged as sidebar module order
Added Medicine created by
Added Nurse Notes created by
Added Previous Obstetric History
Added Postnatal History
In Front CMS Setting Theme Name added
Patient Timeline Time also added
Added Prescription attachment in OPD/IPD
Added Footer Text on all print pages
Added Patient as of date in OPD/IPD
In OPD a new tab added for OPD View
Multiple row insert added in Pharmacy, Symptoms, Finding, Expense Head, Income Head, Referral Category, Appointment Priority, Item Category, Operation, Operation Category, Source, Complaint Type, Purpose pages
Zoom SDK updated
Payment Gateways updated