
Spectral Core Full Convert Ultimate v24.07.1679

Full Convert is the easiest way to copy your data from one database to another - and blazingly fast. Databases can be messy. We support all popular and even ancient databases of any size with all...


Full Convert is the easiest way to copy your data from one database to another - and blazingly fast. Databases can be messy. We support all popular and even ancient databases of any size with all complexity hidden away so you can get the job done now. Full Convert will quickly and easily copy your data from source to the target database. It will create all the tables, copy all of your data, then create indexes and foreign keys.

Our software is designed to shield you from complexity of underlying databases. While you have powerful mapping and customization features at your disposal, your data will be migrated out of the box with no customization needed.

Source databases
Amazon RDS
Apache Derby
Gupta SQLBase
Progress OpenEdge
SQL Script (*.sql file)
SQL Azure
SQL Server
SQL Express LocalDB
Sybase ASA
Sybase ASE
Sybase Advantage
Visual FoxPro
...and many more via ODBC

Target databases
Amazon RDS
Apache Derby
Gupta SQLBase
Progress OpenEdge
SQL Azure
SQL Server
SQL Express LocalDB
Sybase ASA
Sybase ASE
Visual FoxPro
...and many more via ODBC

All popular databases supported
Migrating from your old database? We got you covered.

We support modern relational databases. We support ancient file databases. For over 30 of most popular you need absolutely no drivers - just select your database and you are good to go.

Even if you use a mainframe database, we support standard (if slow) ODBC standard, so our software will be able to work with your database server.

Quickly select and filter tables
Having many thousands of tables in source, but need to convert just a few? No problem, as you can use our instant filtering to quicky display only certain tables.

You can even toggle selection on just the tables satisfying your filter to quicky select or deselect a group of tables.

Help connecting to your database
Database errors can be very cryptic and it's often hard, even for seasoned database professionals, to know what is going on - not to mention someone who is not an expert and just wants to move to another database.

Our software consults our online error database when you have trouble connecting to database. We created helpful hints for stuff you may encounter.

We will create the target database for you
Full Convert is written in philosophy of making everything easy for the user. For example, you don't have to manually create target database in your database manager prior to conversion.

If you don't have your target database created, Full Convert will ask you if you'd like it to create it for you. It will then proceed to copy all of your source database data into it right away.

Detailed logs
Inspect logs later and examine exactly what happened during conversion in detail.

Summary - overview of conversion
Error - list of errors encountered (if any)
SQL - all SQL statements executed on target database during conversion
SQL Error - only the SQL statements resulting in error when executed on target
JSON - everything important in a format for machine consumption
Warnings - list of issues not classifieds as errors, that you may want to be aware of

Easily schedule conversions
When you need recurring conversion (typically, people run them overnight), use our built-in scheduler to easily set up conversions to run unattended. Our scheduler can trigger your conversions to run:

Every N minutes
Every day at exact time
On certain days in week
On a specific day of the month
Once at a specific date and time

Fully control all aspects of conversion
When you want to tweak conversion details for specific table, use table mapping screen and change everything!

Rename the table, rename its columns, deselect some columns...
Change datatypes and their precisin, edit default values...
Convert only a subset of records using custom WHERE clause
Tell for specific tables that you don't want them created and expect target to exist
Map source table to another table in target database

Custom mapping for all tables
Set up schema mapping, datatype mapping and default value mapping at once for all tables.

This allows you to create custom rules for everything and tweak only specifics in table mapping screens.

Set up rules for schema handling (i.e. map JOHN in source to JILL in target, everything else to PUBLIC)
Change precision of certain data types, change other types completely
Using complex functions in source database that have no equivalent in target? Specify exactly what to do.

While this is not a complete feature list, it will certainly give you a look into the quality and robustness of Full Convert.

It auto-adapts to your data and database engines used and selects the best possible data transfer algorithm for your conversion scenario. You have full control over the database migration and can override most of the things you can think of.

Supports almost 40 database engines directly with no drivers needed
Supports even many more via standard ODBC drivers
Supports databases and individual tables of unlimited size and streams data with minimal memory consumption
Auto-adapts to user configuration for maximum speed
Auto-adapts to target database rules when naming objects
Uses bulk insert modes of target databases wherever possible
Built-in Scheduler for recurring conversions
Easy to use modern interface
Database explorer
Command-line support with rich project override switches
Automatic character set translation
Full Unicode support for international character data
Incredible conversion speed
Only dedicated native database components used for maximum speed, control, and reliability
Auto-select of optimal algorithm to transfer data reliably based on table structure, database engine and database version
Speeds of over 100 thousand records per second reached in favorable configurations
Speeds of 300 thousand records per second are common with fast target database server and our Ultimate edition of Full Convert
Data Viewing
Full Unicode support for international character data
Easy export to Microsoft Excel
Copy part or all of the data and paste it elsewhere in tab-separated value format
Best fit columns and Auto-height rows
In-place image and BLOB viewing
Table Customization
Table customization available for each table separately
Renaming of both table and each column
Skipping of certain columns in conversion
Creation of new columns with specification of SQL data expressions
Free-style data type and default value modification per column
Source table filtering (SQL where condition specification)
Project Customization
Conversion step modification (create table, indexes, constraints)
Schema mapping
Mappings for all data types. Specific type lengths rules supported.
Data creation override (copy data, append, no data)
Auto-rename objects (table name prefix, table and column casing)
Run SQL scripts before and after conversion, on both source and target database
SQL scripts and system commands can be specified for execution before or after each conversion
Global Options
SQL logging and conversion error logging
Automatic character-set translation.


- Scheduled tasks - returned the UI log overrides
- Scheduled tasks - added the optional arguments field in task definition
- Scheduled tasks - removed dependency on file storage (task definition is now saved in the windows task)
- Scheduled tasks - task are now set to run on battery and run missed as soon as possible
- Application folders - unified application folder paths and made them version-agnostic
- Replication - fixed a problem with mapped columns in some cases on new projects
- Wizard - removed the run immediately option
- Access - fixed a hang when connecting to an access file that does not exist
- Azure SQL Server - fixed a problem with int64 conversion
- CSV - automatically deduplicate field names
- DB2 Luw - refactored the metadata fetch queries
- DB2 zOs - changed so the DB2 Luw provider is used, and also upgraded
- DBF - automatically deduplicate field names
- Interbase - fixed the index detection in some cases
- MySQL - when target improved some data type conversions
- PostgreSQL - when target improved some data type conversions
- PostgreSQL - added support to include views as tables
- PostgreSQL - added support for writing OID data types
- PostgreSQL - implicit infinity timestamp conversions
- SQLite - fixed a create table error when a column is named index

Additional Information