
TMS VCL Instrumentation Workshop V2.8.2.2 Full Source for Delphi 7 - Delphi 12

TMS Instrumentation Workshop is a library full of components, methods and routines enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications. A set containing over 80 instrumentation...


TMS Instrumentation Workshop is a library full of components, methods and routines enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications. A set containing over 80 instrumentation and digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized backgrounds and much more.

TVrJogMeter: rotating meter control
TVrLineMeter: highly configurable meter control with peak values, linear & logarithmic scale
TVrThermoMeter: thermometer control with peak values, setpoint and linear or logarithmic scale
TVrAngularMeter: rounded analog meter device
TVrMeter: meter control with needle and scale control
TVrPowerMeter: temperature/progress meter
TVrCompass: base class needle component
TVrTank: multi shaped tank control
TVrTubeMeter: tube meter control with various tube shape settings

Sliders & Bars
TVrSlider: smooth slider control
TVrProgressBar: enhanced progress bar
TVrIndicator: horizontal or vertical row of LEDs
TVrTrackBar: trackbar component
TVrLevelBar: progress bar with various fill styles
TVrGauge: gauge in LCD style

Led Styles
TVrBlinkLed: sizeable multi color led with blink capability
TVrCheckLed: checkbox with led
TVrDigit: 7 segment LED
TVrImageLed: standard LED control
TVrLights: row of green / yellow / red leds
TVrLed: small light bulb control
TVrArrow: arrow shaped button control
TVrJoyPad: arrow control with customizable direction
TVrUserLed: user definable LED control
TVrRaster: raster of led cells

TVrCounter: counter display with customizable number bitmaps
TVrNum: displays numeric values in LCD style
TVrNumLEDS: free configurable 7 segment LED display that can display characters 0..9, . , : and - in any order
TVrFloatNum: 7 segment LED display to display floating point numbers with control over nr. of decimals and negative sign

Multi colored Matrix
TVrMatrixGroup: multi line dot matrix control to display text
TVrMatrix: single line dot matrix control to display text

TVrAniButton: animated button using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrBitmapButton: button using bitmap shape
TVrDemoButton: 3D push button with various additional features
TVrHyperButton: web link styled button component
TVrMediaButton: push button control with 3D effect
TVrPowerButton : Windows button control with embedded LED
TVrShadowButton: button with extra shadow effect
TVrShapeBtn: transforms a bitmap in a 3D rendered image
TVrUpDown: updown push button control
TVrRocker: light switch styled switch control
TVrRotarySwitch: sizeable rotary switch with switch position labels
TVrWheel: rounded progress indicator or knob
TVrSwitch: switch component
TVrSpinner: up/down control
TVrKeyPad: numeric keypad for touchscreen applications
TVrNavigator: multimedia navigator control

TVrPieGraph: 2D / 3D percentage pie graph
TVrPercentPie: percent pie chart graph
TVrPercentBar: percent bar graph
TVrHotImage: image with bitmaps for hot and normal state
TVrLabel: 3D label with rotation and various effects
TVrBanner: scrolling bitmap with speed & direction control
TVrDisplay: LCD panel styled control that can contain child controls
TVrAnimate: animated image using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrGradient: component for creating multi colored backgrounds
TVrBorder: beveled outline
TVrDeskTop: form background
TVrHyperLink: web link styled label component
TVrWebLabel: automatic codeless internet link
TVrBitmapDial: dial control using bitmap filmstrip for position display
TVrBitmapImage: pattern bitmap image with various settings
TVrBitmapList: container component for holding bitmaps
TVrBlotter: container control with child control placement management
TVrSlideShow: bitmap transition component

TVrAnalogClock: analog clock in LCD style
TVrCalendar: control for selection of number or images from cells
TVrClock: timer display in LCD style

TVrAnalogClock: analog clock in LCD style
TVrCalendar: control for selection of number or images from cells
TVrClock: timer display in LCD style

TVrScanner: tool to display a row of horizontal leds which can be highlighted
TVrSpectrum: row of vertical bars to display a collection of signals
TVrScope: graphic oscilloscope control
TVrScale: displays a scale

Non-visual controls
TVrDirScan: non visual component for locating files on local or network drives
TVrFormShape: gives your form the shape of a bitmap
TVrRunOnce: disable multiple instances of the application
TVrThread: wrapper for making multithreaded applications easier
TVrCopyFile: wrapper for file copy
TVrStringList: stringlist container component
TVrTrayGauge: component to add progress indicator in system tray
TVrTrayIcon: component to add icon in tray
TVrKeyStatus: provides Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock state
TVrWave: wave player component

New : Support for Win64x

Additional Information